Our Products
There are about 4000 healthy grapevines in our vineyard which require constant careful inspection. Starting early in March, the soil is prepared for the upcoming season, the trellis system is maintained, and the pruning process is finished before the first bud-break. Once the bud-break starts, only careful daily visits guarantee the maintenance of a healthy disease and pest free grapevine. As the grapes mature, towards the end of August for Sauvignon Blanc and mid-September for the red grapes, we start tasting the grapes for maturity and test them for sugar and acid content. At a certain point science, personal experience and preferences command us to go ahead with harvest to produce our award-winning wines and also a very popular tasty molasses from Montepulciano grapes.
Our wines are produced using a blend of tradition of old-world wines and techniques of new world innovation, a sort of Bordeaux on the Napa style. Following fermentation in steel tanks under control, the white and rose wines are typically ready in 10 months for bottling, while the reds are aged in French and American oak barrels for a minimum of 12 months.
Our winery is licensed since 2013, as perhaps the smallest official winery in Turkey by the Board of Alcohol and Tobacco Regulation (TAPDK). The official legislation prohibits any marketing and advertisement of alcoholic and tobacco products on any media to end product users, therefore you will have to taste them personally to judge them. The fact that starting with our first products in 2013, and now 3 years in a row, we were able to receive medals for our reds at the most prestigious wine competition in the world, IWC, should give wine aficionados a clue.
To learn more about the grape varietals in our vineyard and their characteristics please click on the links below.



“Montepulciano grape is the second most common grape varietal produced in Italy and comes from the region of Abruzzo. There is also a region called Montepulciano in Tuscany, producing the most common varietal in Italy, Sangiovese. These two Montepulciano are often confused. Most Sangiovese blends do contain up to 20% Montepulciano grapes.”